For the latest information we now have an updated chart at Roof Ventilation Alternatives Chart 2018!
We stumbled upon this cool table on the ATA Forum and it really gives a good representation of what’s on the market at the moment (hopefully whoever did this has their facts right).
There aren’t that many roof ventilation alternatives listed here, and if your’e looking for passive ventilation then you may want to look into it further.
The alternatives gives you a really strong indication of the difference in power across the variety of alternatives.
EDIT: We’ve decided to link you to all the products that were put in this chart directly – as we get lots of inquiries about where people can find roof ventilation directly. Listed in order of most air flow to least airflow.
4 Roof Ventilation Units: SW900. SW1400, SW2100, SW3000
1 Unit: SVA25
Updated Information as of May 2015:
Models: RM1200 & RM1600
Air flow Capacity – 1080-1800
Noice Level – whisper quiet
Weight Est – 7-8kgs
Flashing – Moulded Polypropelene
Whirlybirds – 10-15+
(As supplied by Carrie Meerten –
1 Unit: Power Vent
Then there’s your general whirlybirds which we don’t recommend because of their low power output and airflow.
So have a look at the solar roof ventilation alternatives above instead.
If you’ve got any questions about how you can ventilate your home effectively, give us a yell and we’ll try send you in the right direction!